Regular Meeting – Monday, April 11th, Door Open: 7:00 PM, Meeting Start: 7:30 PM

We have Dan Newman of Hanging Gardens as our speaker for April. Dan will be giving his presentation Dendrobiums: Jewels of Gondwana.

Gondwana. Pronunciation: /ɡɒnˈdwɑːnə/ (also Gondwanaland) A vast continental area believed to have existed in the southern hemisphere and to have resulted from the break-up of Pangaea in Mesozoic times. It comprised present-day Arabia, Africa, South America, Antarctica, Australia, and the peninsula of India.

In addition, join fellow members and Dan for dinner at The Dodo Restaurant located at 1355 E 2100 S staring at 5:30 pm.

Our meeting location is as usual at the Utah Associated Garden Clubs Garden Center, 1602 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, Utah.

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