Regular Monthly Meeting – Monday, September 11th, Door Open: 7:00 PM, Meeting Start: 7:30 PM

Meeting Time

The summer dormancy period of the Utah Orchid Society is coming to a close! (Cheering in the background.)

Bulbophyllum lepidum

In celebration of our renewed activity the UOS is happy to have Mr. Edgar Stehli of Windswept in Time Orchids for our Monday, September 11th meeting! Edgar will be talking about Bulbophyllum Orchids! He will be brining various bare root and potted species for sale prior to his presentation.

Come out to the meeting, discuss orchids with fellow members and learn more about Bulbophyllum from Edgar!

See you there!

We are meeting at the Utah Associated Garden Clubs Garden Center, 1602 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Door Opens: 7:00 PM, Meeting Start: 7:30 PM

Edgar Stehli tells us a bit about himself:
I began growing orchids as a young boy. While at College (Case Western Reserve University) my collection moved from Cleveland, Ohio to Gainesville, Florida with my parents. Sadly, the orchid plants did not survive. I met Kim Sante, while at college. She was working at the Cleveland Garden Center (AKA the Cleveland Botanical Garden). Ten years later, we got married in Nairobi, Kenya while on safari. I renewed my interest in orchids in the late 1980’s. In a surprisingly short time, we built a sunroom on our house, then a greenhouse in the back. We began selling to area florists in 1999, and Windswept in Time Orchids became our business name. Within a couple of years we had about 30 florists, and a grocery store chain selling our plants. We now sell mostly at the fifteen orchid shows we attend each year. We also host two open-house events each year, on Memorial Day weekend, and the first weekend in November. We are a small business, selling about 3500 orchids each year. We started out selling Phalaenopsis, but that market got taken over by an area grower dedicating 35 acres of greenhouse to phalaenopsis. (Tough to compete with that) Today, we have a wide variety of different genera, selling both hybrids and species. We have won many AOS awards for flower quality, culture, and displays.

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