Regular Monthly Meeting – March 12, 2018 , Door Opens: 7:00 PM, Meeting Start: 7:30 PM

Greetings all! We will have a hands-on orchid repotting class. This will be another meeting where the experience of members can be shared, growing the knowledge of the group as a whole. And remember, no matter how experienced you are, there is ALWAYS something new to learn! This is one of the great, fun aspects of the orchid hobby!

If you have an orchid you are unsure about repotting, bring it to the meeting! Since this is our first club repotting adventure, we are unsure how many orchids will be brought to the meeting, so we ask that you bring a maximum of three.

This session has been limited to repotting in pots. If you wish to try mounting an orchid, feel free to bring it for assistance, but you will need to bring your own mount, wire/line, etc.

We ask that members consider bringing some spare clean sterile pots and media to donate for the repotting session. We also ask that members bring newspapers to cover the tables for sterility and assist in cleanup

Upcoming event teaser:

  • April 7th & 8th, 2018: Spring Orchid Show! Theme: Orchid Treasures! This is an Exhibit Show.
  • May 7th Meeting: Eric Sauer of River Valley Orchids (NOTE: THIS MEETING IS ON THE FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH! Make note of the date change!)
  • June 11th Meeting: Leon Glicenstein will be speaking on Habenaria orchids.

We are meeting at the Utah Associated Garden Clubs Garden Center, 1602 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, Utah.

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