Monthly Meeting – Monday, October 7th, Door Opens: 7:00 PM, Meeting Start: 7:30 PM

Note: Meeting the first Monday of the month to coordinate with Denver.

This month we have Ron Parsons visiting and giving a presentation on Orchids of Sichuan, China! This should be very informative and highly interesting as Ron will be showing where these orchids are growing in nature and discussing their growth habits in these locations.

We are meeting at the Utah Associated Garden Clubs Garden Center, 1602 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Ron Parson’s Bio:
Ron Parsons has been growing orchids for more than 40 years, and has been interested in species orchids for most of that time. Ron loves to photograph orchids and most other flowers whenever he can, whether it be on trips to see them in nature or in collections. He loves to travel to see orchids in the wild, and does so as often as possible. Ron has more than 80,000 digital images, most of which are of orchids, and still retains a slide library that exceeds 100,000 botanical images. He has 4000 published photos that have appeared in magazines, periodicals, journals and books. Ron has co-authored four botanical books, all with Mary E. Gerritsen. The first two, published by Timber Press, are Masdevallias, Gems of the Orchid World and Calochortus, Mariposa Lilies and their Relatives. The third book, a large, luxurious, 18.5 pound, two-volume set, A Compendium of Miniature Orchid Species was published by Redfern Natural History Productions in January of 2014, and has 1200 pages, 1800 photos (1600 are his), and features 500+ species in detail with many others included for comparison. Most recent is The American Orchid Society Society Guide to Orchids and their Cultural guide which was recently released.

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